Breathe Freer, Live Healthier: The Impact of AC Maintenance on Your Indoor Air

When the Texas heat hits, your AC is your lifeline. But did you know that beyond keeping you cool, regular AC maintenance plays a vital role in the quality of the air you breathe indoors? At Crow’s Heat & Air, we’re committed to helping you achieve both comfort and a healthier home environment. Let’s explore…

Beat the Heat Before it Starts: Why A Spring Tune-Up Is Essential

Beat the Heat Before it Starts: Why A Spring Tune-Up Is Essential

Spring has sprung in North Texas! The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and…well, it’s about to get hot. Before the summer sun blasts down, it’s crucial to give your hardworking HVAC system a little TLC with a spring tune-up from Crow’s Heat & Air. Think of your air conditioner like your favorite car….

The Importance of Air Conditioning System Maintenance

The Importance of Air Conditioning System Maintenance

It’s easy to forget about all of the appliances and systems within our homes that require routine maintenance to ensure that they run at their highest efficiency. One of the primary systems in this category is your heating and cooling systems. Through this blog we will explain why preventive HVAC maintenance is necessary.  Increased Lifespan…

How Does Your Home’s HVAC System Actually Work?

How Does Your Home’s HVAC System Actually Work?

When an air conditioning technician visits your home, odds are their explanation of what’s going on with your system will go over your head. The technical terminology in the HVAC industry can be extensive and confusing. Through the simplified information provided below, the equipment in your home and its functionality should make more sense to…

HVAC Don’ts: Common Mistakes To Avoid

HVAC Don’ts: Common Mistakes To Avoid

Ensuring that your HVAC system is functioning efficiently throughout the entire year is essential for your family’s in-home comfort and safety. Unfortunately, there are many common mistakes made by homeowners that could potentially result in costly repairs and inefficient performance. Through the information that follows, you should have a general idea of the most common…

Your HVAC System Could Be Causing Allergies – What Can You Do About It?

Your HVAC System Could Be Causing Allergies – What Can You Do About It?

There’s no question as to whether or not your home’s indoor air quality can have a direct impact on your family’s allergies and overall health. Immediate effects and discomfort are easily noticeable, but the long term effects that are much more concerning often go unnoticed for quite some time. Consistent ingestion of contaminated air is…

Maintaining Healthy Humidity Levels Within Your Home

Maintaining Healthy Humidity Levels Within Your Home

Texas humidity is known to produce some sticky situations, especially when it creeps into your home. Here are some tips to manage your indoor humidity levels and maintain a healthy living space for your family. Common Symptoms Associated With High Humidity Levels In Your Home Potential Causes Of High Humidity Levels In Your Home Tips…